First year, Fall semester :

  • Bibliography: theory and practice 1 (ECTS 6): Introduction to bibliographical description; Practical bibliography
  •  Book culture in Europe (ECTS 6): European Culture; History of the book and manuscript culture
  •  Knowledge and techniques (ECTS 6): Multimedia creation; Introduction to HTML and XML languages.
  •  Tools for rare books (ECTS 6): Image processing; Classical languages for rare books studies; Book trade
  •  Project and planning internship (ECTS 6).

First year, Spring semester :

  • Bibliography: theory and practice 2 (ECTS 5): Bibliography; Practical bibliography
  •  European civilization of book 2 (ECTS 5): European Culture; History of the book
  •  Theory and pratices of digital humanities (ECTS 5): Introduction to digital humanities; Relational databases
  • Tools for rare books 2 (ECTS 5): Image processing and 3D; Classical languages for rare books studies; Cultural property law
  •  Project and planning internship (ECTS 5)
  •  Two-month internship (ECTS 5).